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Taking Courage

What does it mean to take courage? Sometimes, it's easier said than done. What are we taking courage in and what is it that we hold on to? These questions have been spurred by the words of a new found favorite song of my by Bethel.

“take courage my heart stay steadfast my soul He’s in the waiting.”

These have been questions that I have been exploring over the last week, and learning to applying it to my life. The Lord has taught me what it means for me through several different aspects of my life.

I have been reminded that times of trouble and when God isn't giving you a clear answer, or the answer He gives you seems to be completely backwards. Wait on Him, lean on His strength and quit relying on your own. Learn to just abide and let that be enough for you.

When you are called to step up in ministry. To lead something, even though you are the youngest, and lest experienced. Take courage in the the fact that He will lead for you. He is doing a good work in you that He won’t let go of. God has put me in several scenarios where I have the chance to step up, and that can be a scary or anxious thought, but would you rather learn how to grow now, or be forced to grow later?

When you have to rely on God for literally everything. (as in food and money for transport) You are out to share the good news of Jesus and praying for people, and trusting God to provide the needs you have. Take courage and know that He will take care of you, and show you His goodness and abundance through the blessings of others.

When God says, you ask me for what you need and I'll do more then what you want and more, if you are expecting that. Test me, there is nothing I can't do.

Ephesians 3:20-21

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

When things seem upside down and make no sense, stay steadfast in the fact that it is an upside down kingdom that we are part of. Where the first is last and the leaders serve those who follow them. It's in this type of kingdom that we see the most growth. It's hard to see dramatic growth in areas that it's easy to grow, but the hard areas is where it's the most noticeable.

So what are we taking courage in?

In the fact that we are part of something beyond our self. I take courage, in the good times and bad, in the fact that I have a loving Savior who loves me and made the ultimate sacrifice for me. How much more do we need?

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