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Beyond Wanderlust

Wanderlust -A strong urge to travel.-

I feel that my generation is really wrapped up in this term. Everyone wants to travel, see the world, have crazy stories, and cool pictures on Instagram.

In the last couple of weeks I have spent a lot of time in different airports, and most everyone has one main thing in common, a love for travel; myself included. This year has been my year of traveling. But one thing that I have come to realize is that I have a different drive than most to travel, and that is what I want to share with you today.

What drives me to travel is all the little things like; when a little kid, covered in dirt, plays the “copy” game, and laughs at the silly faces you make. The moment when you see someone’s eyes light up because you came to visit, and the way people start to understand the Jesus stories you are sharing, and they mention things you yourself had never thought of.

A common thread holds all of these things together, God’s love and that is my drive. For me it’s not about how many different places that I can go, or the pictures on my Instagram, but it is a love for the lost that makes me want to travel. A passion to travel to the ends of the earth sharing God’s love; not to be seen, but so people can see Jesus through me.

Where as I am among those who “wanderlust,” for me it’s more than that.

My want to travel is because of the people I get to meet. It’s a love for people, a want to share my joy, and a need to share the love of Jesus.

It is also different in the sense that, I could do without some of the traveling like…

  • Having it take three times as long to get to a baptism because the van is too full of people, and half the people have to get out and walk through every police roadblock.

  • Spending the better part of 5 hours in a jeep that normally holds 5 people, but if 5 are good then 12 has to be better right? Oh, and I had someone sitting on my lap for most of it. And did I mention the road? Well, I am not sure it can be considered a road; maybe I’ll just call it a mountain track…

  • And long plane rides, and little sleep.

I think you get the picture. Its not always easy, but for me, its worth it to follow the command to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

I have been so incredibly blessed this year to be able travel, learn, grow, and love. I want to thank everyone who had a part of my journey whether that was in South Africa, Uganda, or Nepal, walking this journey with me, or if it was covering me with continued prayer. Thank you!


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