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Life Among the Pines

And He said to them, “How can I picture God’s kingdom for you? What kind of story can I use? It’s like a pine nut that a man plants in his front yard. It grows into a huge pine tree with thick branches, and eagles build nests in it.” Luke 13:18-19 Msg

I love this version because, as a Washington girl, I can easily picture just how small the pine nut is, as well as how big, tall, and sturdy a pine tree can become. And that is the type of tree Jesus says we are! I have been challenged by these verses, and I want to challenge you as well.

Built to be Strong

When pine trees are fully grown they are very strong steadfast trees. But they, like us go through a process to get there. Growth looks different for each one of us, but just like pine trees, we need to be supported as we grow. We need to have the body of Christ around us to challenge us to grow and to walk along side us. There does come a time when we need space to take our roots deep, and when that happens we can’t rely so heavily on others. We still need them to challenge us and to help us go deeper to become stronger. We were not made to walk this Christian life alone. We need others, to help us, and for us to help them. We are built to be strong, if we have the right foundation.

Shade and Rest

Like a tree in the middle of a big open field, so we are to those around us. Within our churches, and homes we can be a safe place for people who need to rest. We can support other by our words and actions. People are drawn to things that are different. So, why are we afraid of that? Why are we worried about people noticing us? We were made to create change. But in order to do that, we have to be a healthy, growing and firmly grounded in the word.

How can I create something different from the way of the culture around me? How can I grow in my walk with Christ? How can I be Jesus to others? These are the kind of questions I have been asking myself. And right now, for me it means challenging myself, and hiking to a very remote part of Nepal and just shining light in the darkness. I want to invite you to ask yourselves the same. What is God calling you to do? How are you making a change for the Kingdom? Comment and share what change you are making! And remember, it starts small and then it grows!

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