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Outrunning the Clock

The last three weeks have been super busy with amplified learning and practical applications. We have so many new tools in our ministry tool belt. Things such as, the God story, Jesus stories, testimonies, salty statements, and finding redemptive analogies.

During these three weeks we did outreach in a local community, masi. One afternoon when we were in masi, we visited a friend Mavis. We had been meeting with Mavis a few times, and this specific outing we were learning how to use redemptive analogies. A redemptive analogy is using something of another persons culture, something they understand and would impacted them. So while visiting with Mavis, we where asking different questions about her culture, and one thing that came up was that she was wanting to build a nice home for her children. With that story, we were able to share how Jesus is going to prepare a nice home for us in heaven. We also talked about how everything we store up here on earth will be destroyed, but the treasures we store in heaven will never perish. We had several more meetings with Mavis, one of which was on my birthday and she (being a chef) taught us how to make gnocchi! We had a great visit with her, fellowshipping an just doing life together!

While preparing to head out on our outreach I am continually reminded the following point. I have a choice to make. I can choose to store up earthly things that will be destroyed, or I can keep my focus on what will last. I want to live a full life, radical, adventurous, and 100% sold out for Jesus. To be heaven on earth for those around me. As I am writing this I have to laugh about the title, "Outrunning the Clock" and just how true it is. I started writing this at the beginning of our week off of classes, and now, a week later, I am trying to rush to finish it in the airport before our flight leaves for Uganda. There never seems to be enough time... I am so excited for this next season and the adventures that are included in that. So maybe I'll stop trying to outrun the clock, after we get on the airplane..

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